Along the shores of Nantucket, an old-fashioned boathouse has been converted into a cozy B&B. This is the perfect base for exploring the maritime atmosphere of Cape Cod.
The boathouse has been carefully restored to preserve its unique, historical features. From the wood dock, guests may enter the boathouse through the Dutch door or the double doors that once served as the entrance for the boats. Inside, a central fireplace divides the living room and kitchen. Ladder rungs on the side of the fireplace chimney lead to the sleeping loft, which is just big enough to accommodate the boat bed.
This is the structure kit. The furnishing pieces are available in the Complete Furnishings Kit, as well as the individual living room, kitchen, bedroom, and outdoor kits.
The 1:48 (quarter scale) kit includes:
The flowers are available from Susan Karatjas, sdkminiatures.com.
Exterior dimensions of the structure (includes the open doors and chimney): 5-3/4"(14.6cm)L x 3-1/8"(8cm)D x 4-1/2"(11.4cm)T
Size of the structure with the base: 6-1/2"(15.2cm)L x 4-5/8"(11.7cm)D x 5-1/2"(14cm)T